Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making multi-dimensional choices to live a healthy and fulfilling life. 

Included below are tips and resources on our 7 wellness wheel areas (emotional, social/interpersonal, physical, financial, intellectual, vocational, and spiritual). 

Tips & Resources:

Being emotionally well means feeling the full range of human emotions and expressing them appropriately. Self–awareness is the first step.

  • Create and maintain a daily routine. Whether you begin the day with a devotion, exercise, or a cup of coffee, try to keep to a schedule to provide some structure to your day. This will help you manage your time and lend a sense of accomplishment. Consider making daily “to-do” lists to cross off completed tasks.
  • Take breaks: Make time to unwind and remind yourself that strong feelings will fade. Take deep breaths. Try to do activities you usually enjoy.
  • Seek help when needed: If distress impacts activities of your daily life for several days or weeks, talk to the Pastoral staff at Shepherd of the Valley: 952.432.6351. We provide pastoral care, prayer, counseling, support, and many other resources. See all the ways here.
  • Calm blog: Curation of free resources including meditations, sleep stories, music, and more. All items are hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness through this time.
  • Free health journeys: Free guided meditations for kids and adults, to help relax and de-stress.
  • Ellie Family Services: Emotional wellness & mental health appointments.
We are created by God to be social beings, living in community and instructed to help and love each other. We maintain social well-being through interaction, play, and forgiveness. Take time to nurture your relationships with family, friends, congregation members, and colleagues.

  • Connect with others: Remember to share your concerns and how you are feeling with a friend or family member. Maintain healthy relationships, and build a strong support system.
  • Phone calls: Try making one call a day, just to say hi. Want a bigger challenge? Call someone you haven’t seen for a year or more!
  • SOTV groups: Shepherd of the Valley offers many groups that appeal to a wide variety of interests. Find details for groups meeting now.
  • SOTV events: Shepherd of the Valley offers coffee times, bible studies, and family activities. Join us for an event that interests you.
While we are not all born perfectly healthy or able to live life without injury or illness, we can live well by tending and nurturing our body as a gift from God. Feed it healthy foods, keep it hydrated, build physical endurance through regular exercise, and respect your body’s need for rest.

  • Take care of your body. Try to eat healthy well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep.
  • Stretch: Stretching relieves aches and pains, improves posture, reduces tension, and improves flexibility and “overall functional performance” (says the American Council on Exercise).
  • Get outside: Challenge yourself to get outside a little everyday by enjoying a walk or listening to the birds (or traffic).
  • 30 Minute Yoga: Sarah Olson, SOTV’s former Youth Ministry Director, is a 200 hour certified yoga instructor. She has made five videos of ‘stretch and pray’ where she leads a 30 minute yoga session.
Being financially well involves making decisions based on our values, as reflected in the way we save, spend, and share. Tending to one’s financial well-being in this way requires us to be resilient, generous, and focused on sustainability.

  • Make a budget. The goals of a budget are personal, but knowing where your money is going to is the first step to changing habits. Avoid impulse spending.
  • Expect and prepare for emergencies. Aim for six months’ worth of expenses set aside in an easily accessible account.
  • Communicate about family finances. Have regular conversations with your spouse or partner, and any of your children you feel are old enough to be involved.
Using our minds keeps us alert and active. Stay curious, ask questions, and seek answers. Explore new responsibilities, experience new things, and keep an open mind. And remember, knowing when and how to let your mind rest is as important as keeping active.

  • Read: Pick up a classic or the latest on the bestseller list. Have a topic you’ve always wanted to learn more about? Pick up the book or download on your tablet or computer.
  • SOTV Library: There are some great books, DVDs, and small group bible studies available in SOTV’s library and administrative offices.
  • Journal: Write down your thoughts or stories from throughout your life. This can be a great exercise for your brain, while also helping express feelings.
  • Play brain games: Grab a pencil and try your hand at sudoku or a crossword puzzle. Find games online at games for the brain.
  • Experience the arts: Attend and/or participate in cultural events. Music, arts, dance, and other cultural activities can help express creativity and stimulate your brain in new ways.
  • Talk: Did you know that a simple conversation counts as a brain exercise? Bring up a current event for a discussion with friends. Be open-minded and realize that even if you don’t agree with their point of view, you are expanding your mind by having a lively discussion and hearing new ideas.
  • Attend a lecture: Expose yourself to new ideas. Check out speakers at a local college or retirement community. Lifelong learning is key to maintaining an active, healthy brain.
  • SOTV classes and bible studies: Shepherd of the Valley offers bible studies, book discussions, and classes. Find what’s happening now on our event page.
We all have a calling – vocation – to follow Christ’s example by living a life of meaning, purpose, and service to our neighbor. Our vocations make up our life’s work and passions – they are the everyday roles through which God calls us to help make this world a better place. Those who are well vocationally are faithful stewards of their talents and abilities, and find opportunities to build and use them.

  • Job Loss Support: Groups are available for anyone looking for a job, wanting to increase their networking skills, and/or exploring career choices.
Living a centered life focused on God affects each aspect of our well–being. Turn to God for strength as you seek to live well in Christ. Nurture your relationship with God through prayer, devotions, worship, nature, art, and music. Explore who you are and know whose you are.

  • Bible Studies: Join others to learn and grow in faith together.
  • SOTV Library: There are some great books, DVDs, and small group bible studies available in SOTV’s library and administrative offices. Contact Julie Opheim for more information.
  • Spend daily time in prayer. If you want others to be praying with you, let us know (sotv.org/prayer). Our pastors are always available to pray with you too (call our church at 952.432.6351).

Wellness Articles