Serve at Shepherd of the Valley

SOTV is a community of people in every age and every stage of life where all are invited to grow in their faith through our core ministries of worship, learn, connect, and care. This is a place where all are invited to come as they are, be surrounded by God’s love, and see what we can do together!
We serve as a loving response to the unconditional, no strings attached, love we have received through Jesus Christ. As Jesus taught us, to love is to serve one another.
SOTV has a strong commitment to our church, our community, and our global partnerships. Whether you want to volunteer once or regularly, we have ways you can get involved!
Once a week, at a time convenient for the volunteer
In the narthex/lobby area
What is the need?
Our worship activity bags, available for children to use during worship services, need to be cleaned and restocked.
Who can volunteer?
Anyone! This is a great opportunity for little ones to help.
How often can I volunteer?
Volunteers can sign-up one time, or as often as desired.
What do I do once I sign-up?
If it’s your first time, please contact Katie Strand in Family Ministry so she can show you where supplies are kept and explain the process. If you’ve done this before, you can come in any time between Sunday afternoon and the following Saturday afternoon.
What is the time commitment?
It usually takes between 1 – 2 hours to clean and replenish the bags.
Do you have the gift of hospitality? Do you enjoy providing a welcoming environment for people gathering? Volunteer to work alongside SOTV staff and other volunteers to provide coffee and donuts during weekend fellowship on Sunday mornings and/or other hospitality events where fellowship is provided with food and beverage.
Cub Foods Bakery Pick-up:
Saturdays between 12:00 – 3:00 pm
Location: Apple Valley Cub
Sunday morning fellowship shifts:
7:30 – 9:30 am, 9:30 – 11:00 am, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Shepherd of the Valley (Great Hall)
Hospitality Events:
Days and times vary
Shifts include: Set-up and service & Service and clean-up
Location: Shepherd of the Valley
Weekends and special occasions
Shepherd of the Valley (sanctuary)
Communion Assistants arrive 10 minutes before the start of the service and help distribute communion during worship.
Church seasons throughout the year
Shepherd of the Valley
Join the team of volunteers who decorate the church throughout the year. Each season of the church year is marked with a specific color, and the team works to create an environment that enhances our worship space and creates focus toward the cross.
Extra volunteers are especially needed prior to Advent/Christmas and Easter.
Interested? Contact Deacon Mark Ertl, Director of Music and Worship, at 952.985.7320.
Saturday or Sunday before worship
Shepherd of the Valley’s main entry or north commons entry
Greeters welcome worshipers with a smile and give directions as needed.
What is the time commitment?
20 minutes. Greeters start 15 minutes prior to the worship service start time and remain for five minutes after worship begins. (For example: for the 11:00 am service, your shift begins at 10:45 am and last until 11:05 am).
Who can greet?
Anyone! Individuals, couples, friends, families, or ministry groups have all served as greeters.
What do I do?
Before your shift, check in at the Welcome Center to get a name tag and any special information for that day. You’ll be given a little training if this is your first time, then directed to one of the main entrances to start greeting.
Can I get on a regular schedule to greet?
Yes! We’d love to have you greet once per month! You can choose your preferred weekend and worship time.
As needed
Shepherd of the Valley sanctuary
Lectors arrive 10 minutes before the worship starts and read Biblical scripture during worship. The lesson will be sent to you via email the week before your assigned worship service.
Nights or weekends as your group meets
Shepherd of the Valley
Come make music with us! There are solo and ensemble opportunities for people of all ages. Through organ/piano-led worship, band-led worship, or our high school worship, there are a variety of opportunities to perform many different styles of music.
As scheduled
Shepherd of the Valley Sanctuary
Who can be an usher?
Anyone can be an usher, and you can usher with friends or family members. We will provide instruction.
What does an usher do?
Ushers make everyone feel welcome when they come for worship or to an event in the Sanctuary. Greet with a smile, pass out bulletins or programs, assist with seating, collect offering if needed, direct for communion, collect bulletins, and tidy up afterwards.
When are ushers needed?
Ushers help at all worship services and for special events. In December, there are additional opportunities with multiple concerts and services.
How do I sign-up?
Sign-up through the link below.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays:
8:00 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
4:45 pm – 6:15 pm
8:15 am – 10:15 am 10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Welcome Center volunteers are the face of SOTV! Greet those in-person and on the phone, answer questions, and complete administrative tasks/projects.
Interested? Please email Sam Heiting, Office Manager, for questions or to sign up! (Training is provided.)
As your schedule permits
Shepherd of the Valley & locally
Friendly Visitors are a trained group of caring people who visit others within our congregation who aren’t able to attend church.
When you sign up, you will receive a call to set up a time to get an information packet and some helpful guidance for making visits. We will work with your availability and comfort level to find the right match for you.
We actively encourage our lay members to be involved in the governance of the church. For some areas, specific expertise and/or related experience is needed. In other areas, a passion for the ministry is desired. .
If you are interested in joining any of these groups, please complete an application and email it to
Confirmation is a highly-relational faith formation program for students in grades 6 – 9. This program is designed to help students name and grow their unique, God-given gifts, with the invitation to use those gifts for service in the church and in the world. At baptism, parents and sponsors said, “Yes, God!” on the child’s behalf. Confirmation is the opportunity for a young person to grow, question, and explore so they may make the decision to take ownership of their faith and continue to say, “Yes, God!”
Volunteers of all ages and abilities make every one of our programs possible! We need volunteers to help lead small groups, work on special projects, maintain worship bags, and so much more. Service opportunities are also a great way to fulfill NHS hours and other school or organization requirements for service.
A time convenient for the volunteer
Shepherd of the Valley (inside and outside)
Shepherd of the Valley has needs inside the building, such as helping facilities personnel complete periodic tasks. Work is also completed outside the building, which can include outside clean-up and landscaping.
Most needed volunteers
Volunteers: (Tues or Thurs – 10:00 am – 1:30 pm or 1:00 – 4:30 pm) Stock/sort/pre-pack and shop with clients. Commitment twice per month.
Volunteers: (Sat – 8:30 am – 12:30 pm). Stock/sort/pre-pack and shop with clients.
Rescue Support volunteers: (Tues or Thurs – 8:30 am – 12:00 pm) Requires no client contact. Receive grocery store food, check dates, and stock shelves. Commitment twice per month.
Monday truck delivery help: (9:30 am – 12:00 pm) Requires no client contact. Unload food items, stock shelves, refrigerators, and freezers. Must be able to lift 40lbs. Commitment twice per month.
The Food Shelf depends entirely on the support of our dedicated volunteers, whose efforts make it an invaluable resource for our community. We are deeply grateful for their commitment. We invite you to join our volunteer team and be part of an energized group focused on serving our neighbors. Your involvement will help us continue to provide essential support to those in need. Consider making a difference today!
Training is provided for all volunteer positions.
Other volunteer opportunities:
Delivery support role: Volunteers work a couple of Monday shifts a month from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm.
Rescue support volunteer (RSVs): Volunteers work shifts on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday or Thursday mornings or 2nd and 4th Tuesday or Thursday mornings, approximately 2.5 – 3 hours.
Food shelf volunteer (FSV) responsibilities: Volunteers need to commit to a minimum of two regular shifts each month. We work around vacations, etc. Shifts are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am – 1:30 pm or 1:00 – 4:30 pm.
Interested? Contact the Food Shelf.
Shepherd of the Valley partners with 360 Communities to operate Apple Valley’s only food shelf, located at 12650 Johnny Cake Ridge Road in Apple Valley, near the Minnesota Zoo. Contact the Food Shelf at 952.985.7388 (phones are answered during food shelf hours only). We typically assist 60 families weekly.
Questions about the Food Shelf? Contact the Food Shelf at 952.985.7388 (phones are answered during food shelf hours only) or contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
To schedule an appointment, contact 360 Communities Burnsville office by calling 952.985.5300 Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 3:30 pm.
Use your own bag, or for your convenience pick up a large orange “Food on the Fourth” shopping bag at the church, fill it with nonperishable food, and then return it to the SOTV collection bin located near the Welcome Desk at the main entrance. Inside the front pocket you will find a card requesting the most needed items. Use this as a suggestion, but feel free to provide your favorites. Thank you for supporting your neighbors and generously participating in the ways God provides for us all.
Funeral lunches are generally held in the Great Hall, as needed.
Volunteers prepare, serve, and clean-up after the luncheon. Funeral Leads are always present to help train as needed.
About this ministry: Four Funeral Leads take turns covering funeral lunches, and call rotating lists of volunteers as necessary. Each volunteer can agree to help when called, or decline if the date and time doesn’t work. This ministry allows the family and friends of the deceased to continue fellowship following the funeral service, and involves a large and enthusiastic group of volunteers.
As your schedule permits
In your home
Do you like to uplift people with a card and a personal message? Do you enjoy making homemade cards? Consider volunteering with the new greeting card ministry at SOTV. We will be sending cards to support our members during times of joy and challenge. If you are interested in writing cards, the commitment would be about 3-5 cards per month and cards are provided (stamps too if needed). If you are interested in making cards, we prefer the inside blank so the card can be used for a variety of occasions.
This ministry combines knitting and/or crocheting and praying. At your own pace, make a prayer shawl for someone in need of prayer and support.
Click on the Instruction Sheet link for information about materials and directions. Jill Johnson has yarn available, or you can purchase your own. Once you’ve completed your prayer shawl, bring it to church. Pastors and parish nurses then give these shawls to people in the midst of health concerns, difficult situations, or grief.
Weekends or Monday nights
Shepherd of the Valley Shepherd Room (by the Great Hall, Music Room, and Food Shelf)
There are two ways to volunteer in the library:
Based on your availability
Shepherd of the Valley & locally
A picture is worth a thousand words. If you enjoy photography, your gifts will tell great stories about Shepherd of the Valley’s ministry and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world. Photos of our ministry are used in endless ways – on the website, around the building, and in newsletters.
Any and all skill levels are welcome, and a church camera is available for use – contact us to arrange for the camera use at 952.432.6351.
Time slots through the volunteer link above are for the entire event. You are welcome to stay the entire time, or otherwise just get any photos you can! We love photos of the people involved in the event – participants and volunteers/staff. If you have any questions on what you’d be taking pictures of, don’t hesitate to contact us.
To submit pictures taken, you can drop by with a cord to plug the camera into a computer, send a Dropbox link, put the photos on a CD or flash drive, or let us know what works best for you!
Prayer Shepherds pray for people on our Prayer Concerns List, as part of their own prayer routines.
An updated Prayer Concerns List is available each week by email or by hard copy at the Welcome Center. Prayer Shepherds are asked to regularly pray for people on the list, and to maintain confidentiality of the listed concerns.
Every Wednesday 8:45 – 11:30 am
Shepherd of the Valley (rooms 14/17)
1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays of the month (except for month of July)
9:00 – 11:30 am
Shepherd of the Valley (rooms 12/13)
The quilting groups welcome all ages to join them. Coffee and treats are available, and it’s a great way to meet new people and socialize. Women, men, and youth are all invited!
There are a variety of ways to help:
Training will be provided if needed. If you like to sew, bring your own machine or use ours.
What happens to the quilts?
Shepherd Quilters donate to Children’s Hospital, homeless shelters, Ronald Mc Donald House and other organizations. The Golden Stitchers donate to missions, hospitals, and other organizations.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays:
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
4:45 pm – 6:15 pm
8:15 am – 10:15 am 10:15 am – 12:15 pm
What to Expect
Welcome Center volunteers are the face of SOTV! Greet those in-person and on the phone, answer questions, and complete administrative tasks/projects.
Interested? Please email Sam Heiting, Office Manager, for questions or to sign up! (Training is provided.)
With your help, we have surpassed the goal for our school supplies fundraiser. Thanks to your generosity, $6,975 will be distributed to our partners, including schools and organizations supporting children and families, ensuring children have what they need to learn and grow!
Funds Raised benefit neighborhood students.
Every year SOTV partners with schools and organizations to provide school supplies for students. This partnership has made a huge difference for children and families in our community.
Thank you for your financial support of children and youth as they prepare for the coming school year.
Throughout the year, we collect items, sort them, and deliver to people in need.
Every fourth week of the month, you are invited to donate nonperishable food that is distributed to our neighbors who visit the Food Shelf located right here at SOTV.
Use your own bag, or for your convenience pick up a large orange “Food on the Fourth” shopping bag at the church, fill it with nonperishable food, and then return it to the SOTV collection bin located near the Welcome Desk at the main entrance. Inside the front pocket you will find a card requesting the most needed items. Use this as a suggestion, but feel free to provide your favorites. Thank you for supporting your neighbors and generously participating in the ways God provides for us all.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
January and August
We host the Red Cross twice a year for a blood drive. Individuals in good health that are 16 years and older are eligible to donate blood. Appointments are made directly at and use sponsor code: Johnny Cake Churches, or call the Red Cross at 800.733.2767. SOTV recruits volunteers to check-in donors and serve snacks in the canteen.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
All funds raised benefit neighborhood students.
Every year SOTV partners with schools and organizations to provide school supplies for students. This partnership has made a huge difference for children and families in our community.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
We collect gently used winter outerwear and new mittens/hats, and distribute approximately 1,800 items to area children and families in need.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
We provide gifts for families or provide financial support to share the Christmas spirit. Some of the ministries previously supported include: Tanzania Partnership, Wingspan Life Resources, Southside Family Nurturing Center, Dakota Woodlands, Armful of Love, and Lutheran Social Services Homeless Youth Ministry. We generally raise $20,000 – $30,000 each year in gifts and monetary donations.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
Weekend Meals at Falcon Ridge Middle School
Typically Fridays (occasionally Wednesdays or Thursdays)
Recommended time periods: 8:20 – 9:15 am, 9:20 – 10:15 am, 12:17 – 1:12 pm, or 1:16 – 2:11 pm
At Falcon Ridge Middle School (FRMS)
Several options available; from one day to one week
Want to help support and guide our middle and high school youth on a summer trip? To volunteer to go on a summer immersion trip with middle or high school students, contact Kelsey Young.
Around Minnesota
Lutheran Advocacy-MN advocates for justice in the areas of hunger, poverty, and care of God’s creation by speaking with and for those who have little or no political power. Special events throughout the year, tied to current legislative or social concerns.
The Meals Ministry provides meals for people during their time of need, for reasons like hospitalization or illness. When a need arises, information about the situation is shared, and people can sign up to help as they are able.
Open Arms of Minnesota is a nonprofit organization that prepares and delivers nourishing, medically tailored meals free of charge to critically ill Minnesotans and their loved ones. Their work is made possible by a loving volunteer community!
This volunteer opportunity prepares, portions, and packages food for our medically tailored meals — no
culinary skills necessary! Youth age 6 and older are eligible to volunteer.
Create hand-made items for nursing home residents at at Presbyterian Homes and Optage (service division of Presbyterian Homes). Please drop off donations at the Welcome Center for Julie Opheim.
Since 2001, Shepherd of the Valley has enjoyed a vibrant relationship with our companion congregations in the Iringa Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Working bega kwa bega or shoulder to shoulder through prayer, presence and projects, we support ministries of evangelism, education, health care, and economic development. Makifu, Tungamalenga, and Usolanga Parishes are each comprised of seven to nine village congregations in a remote rural area.
Your financial contributions to our Tanzania Partnership are accepted with deep gratitude.
3rd Wednesday of each month
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Global Health Ministries (7831 Hickory St NE, Fridley, MN 55432)
Cost: Free
Bring your own lunch.
Meet in the SOTV parking lot at 9:00 am to carpool to Global Health Ministries, serve from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, then travel home.
Questions? Email Paula or Rolf
Each month a group of SOTV members/friends goes to Global Health Ministries in Fridley to volunteer at their warehouse. We perform a variety of tasks and no experience is necessary. It is a fun and very important ministry that operates almost exclusively with volunteers. We welcome any and all who would like to join us either on a regular basis or whenever your schedule allows.
Want to be added to the Service Affinity Group email list? Email Julie.
A reminder email will go out about 10 days before each volunteer date. Email Paula or Rolf if you plan on volunteering. Paula and Rolf can then plan accordingly.
Newborn Supplies and Hospice Kits
As always, supplies for newborn and hospice kits are always welcome. Email Paula or Rolf if you have donations.
Here is a list of needed medical supplies. These should be unused and not expired. Medical equipment such as stabilizing boots, crutches, etc. are also welcome.
We are also collecting items for newborn and hospice kits.
Items for Newborn Kits (new or gently used):
Items for Hospice Kits (new or gently used):
Thank you so much for your support of Global Health Ministries!