Worship is the heart of our church.
Worship includes handbells, choirs, and ensembles once again. Enjoy live preaching. We have printed bulletins available, hymnals and bibles in pew racks, in-person offering, children’s worship activity bags, and Holy Communion (on 1st & 3rd Sundays) at the front of the sanctuary as individual wafers with a glass of wine or grape juice. Nursery is available during all worship hours; no registration is necessary.
We livestream the 9:45 am service, or you can watch it online anytime during the week. Click here to read about the Sanctuary pipe organ.
Contact Mark Ertl, Director of Music & Worship, at 952.985.7320 or mark.ertl@sotv.org
Worship includes our live worship band. Enjoy live preaching. We have printed bulletins available, hymnals and bibles in pew racks, in-person offering, children’s worship activity bags, and Holy Communion (weekly) at the front of the sanctuary as individual wafers with a glass of wine or grape juice.
January 25 & 26 | Tanzania Partnership Celebration
Preacher: Pastor Julie Wright
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Highlights: Brass Ensemble (5:00 PM, 8:30 & 9:45 AM), Senior Choir (8:30 & 9:45 AM)
February 1 & 2
Preacher: Pastor Rob Carlson
Text: Luke 2:22-40
Highlights: Holy Communion, Sounds of Praise (8:30 & 9:45 AM), Good News for Kids
February 2 | Pet Memorial Service
1:00 PM in the Chapel
Preacher: Pastor Julie Wright
More Information
Watch last week’s worship service now.
We gather around God’s word and sacraments, offering our thanks and praise.
“Let the little children come to me” (Matthew 19:14)
Families are welcome in all worship spaces and are invited to come and go from the Sanctuary as needed for care and service participation. A Supported Family Worship Space is available in the chapel.
Contact Heidi Beranek.
Shepherd of the Valley involves the congregation, choral groups, instrumentalists, handbells, and service assistants who participate and lead. There are many opportunities to get involved, using the talents God has gifted you!
Affiliated with the ELCA and Saint Paul Area Synod