God Calls Us To Make a Difference

1 John 3:17-18 says: “If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God’s love? It disappears.” Through your generous gifts to Shepherd of the Valley, we see God’s love changing lives, meeting needs, and restoring hope in our church, community, and world.

Together, we make a bigger difference than we could ever do alone.

Ways to Give

Support Our Mission

We take an offering at each worship gathering through cash, checks, or you can scan the QR code in the bulletin. Feel free to use the computer at the Welcome Center to give online! You can access your mobile giving page on your smart device or give on the Realm Connect app.

If you give on a regular basis with cash or personal checks, please consider using an envelope that has a number assigned to your name. To receive envelopes, contact Dawn.

You can honor a loved one with a gift to the church in their name.

For individuals aged 70 ½ or older, you can direct all or a portion of your RMDs (required minimum distributions) from your individual retirement accounts to the church tax free.

Explanation of Donation and Fund Options

We’re grateful for your support of any of the ministries at Shepherd of the Valley! Giving to the General Fund allows us the most flexibility in allocating your gifts to the greatest need. You can learn more about the General Fund and our other funds by clicking on the toggles below. 

General Offerings (used in the General Fund) support all that we do. These cover our operational expenses (including our mortgage and facility needs), and enable ministries in our church, our community, and the world.

Shepherd of the Valley’s mission is supported in perpetuity using earned income on Endowment Fund investments. You can designate your gifts to general mission, education, or benevolence. Learn more.

Naming a specific ministry or need in the church can be a great way to follow your passion or honor someone special. Occasionally, there are limited-time causes to support. These are some of the ongoing opportunities:

  • Benevolence – General: This money is allocated by the Benevolence Leadership Team to our partner organizations. To learn more about these organizations and the impact they make in peoples’ lives, visit our Benevolence webpage.
  • Local Need: Donations here support immediate needs in Apple Valley and our neighboring communities.
  • Local Hunger: These gifts often supplement food donations for our Food Shelf and other initiatives in our communities that feed the hungry.
  • Emergency Shelter: In addition to volunteer opportunities, we offer financial support to the Dakota County Emergency Shelter for people experiencing homelessness from November through March.
  • ELCA Disaster Relief: When natural disasters occur, these donations support the survivors and recovery efforts.
  • Organ Fund: This fund supports the maintenance and potential future expansion of our pipe organ.
  • Tanzania Gifts: Through our Tanzania Partnership, we support ministries of evangelism, education, health care, and economic development.
  • Memorial Gifts: You can honor a loved one with a gift to the church in their name.

The Impact of Giving

Get in Touch

Have questions or need more information? Reach out to Dawn Della Paolera!