A Place for Prayer and Reflection

Proverbs (15:8b) reminds us that God delights in our prayers. In Christian community, we are invited to share our own prayer concerns and to pray for others.

  • If you would like to share your prayer concerns, please fill out the below form.
  • All pastors receive and pray over these requests.
  • Due to the volume and confidentiality of prayer requests received, only SOTV members’ names may be included in the worship bulletin and/or in the spoken prayers in worship.
  • To speak with a pastor on the phone, call 952.432.6351 and press 4.

Prayer Request Form

Prayer Resources and Requests

Almighty and merciful God, you are the only source of health and healing; you alone can bring calmness and peace. Grant to us, your children, and awareness of your presence and a strong confidence in you. In our pain, our weariness, and our anxiety, surround us with your care, protect us by your loving might, and permit us once more to enjoy health and strength and peace; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship Pastoral Care, pg. 359