Christian Education for Age 3 - High School

Shepherd's Kids

Preschool - Grade 3
Shepherd’s Kid’s Sunday School is our fun, creative, and interactive Christian education program that runs during the school year. All children age three (by September 1) through third grade are invited. New students are welcome to join throughout the year until we reach capacity.

Shepherd’s Kids utilizes a highly relational large and small group model to nurture children in faith and community. Senior high youth and adults volunteer their time as leaders to help children grow in their faith. To ensure a quality program, we:
  • Utilize our talented staff to create and enhance curriculum
  • Train our volunteers and offer ongoing support
  • Complete background checks on all adult volunteers
  • Supply age-appropriate Bibles for all participants
  • Incorporate music, crafts, prayer, and service to reinforce the biblical message
  • Provide resources to grow in faith at home

Zone 45

Grades 4 - 5

Zone 45 is the gap between Shepherd’s Kids and Confirmation. It truly is its own zone! Although, this program incorporates familiar styles and activities found in both Shepherd’s Kids and Confirmation, it is tailored specifically for this age group, and is highly adaptable based on student, parent and leader feedback!

In Zone 45, we believe in fostering strong relationships and building community through exciting activities and sincere communication. We operate on a dynamic model that combines both large and small group interactions, allowing children to connect with peers and dedicated volunteers, whom we fondly call ‘Crew Leaders.’


Grades 6 - 9

Confirmation is a highly-relational faith formation program for students in grades 6 – 9. This program is designed to help students name and grow their unique, God-given gifts, with the invitation to use those gifts for service in the church and in the world. At baptism, parents and sponsors said, “Yes, God!” on the child’s behalf. Confirmation is the opportunity for a young person to grow, question, and explore so they may make the decision to take ownership of their faith and continue to say, “Yes, God!”

The Gathering

Grades 10 - 12

You're invited to join this high school small group on Wednesdays from 5:30 - 6:30 PM where we will reflect on our faith and Bible stories, connect with other high school students, and partake in discussions in a chill setting. This group will be led by adult volunteers.

Join Our Children's Choirs & Handbell Groups

Any children interested in music groups, please consider registering for a Children’s Choir or a Children’s Handbell Choir. For more information, and to register follow the links below.

About Year Round Programs

At Shepherd’s Kids, preschool and kindergarten age children will begin building their identity and sense of belonging in our church community. They will be given tools and opportunities to begin exploring their faith in Jesus. The goal of this program is for children to feel loved and at home at church.

Children will experience Jesus in the following ways…

Large Group
  • Music
  • Bible story presentations
  • Offering
  • Prayer
  • Games and activities

Small Group Time
  • Bible reading
  • Caring conversations
  • Relationship building
  • Crafts and activities

PKK Squiggles Reading Postcard – Early Fall
PKK Squiggles Reading Postcard – Late Fall
PKK Squiggles Reading Postcard – Christmas
PKK Squiggles Reading Postcard – Late Winter
PKK Squiggles Reading Postcard – Lent

Preschool – Kindergarten Shepherd’s Kids Hours:
Sundays at 8:30, 9:45 or 11:00 AM

Questions? Contact Kelsey Young, CYF Director

Children in Grades 1-3 will explore what it means to be a child of God. They will grow in faith as they wonder about stories from the Bible, build Christ-centered relationships with their peers and leaders, discover spiritual practices like prayer and offering, and learn how they can use their skills to serve God in their church and community.

Children will experience Jesus in the following ways…

Small Group Time
  • Caring Conversations
  • Relationship Building
  • Bible Reading
  • Crafts, Games, and Activities
  • Prayer and Blessings

Large Group
  • Music
  • Offering
  • Bible Story Wondering
  • Prayer
  • Worship Exploration

Grades 1 - 3 Shepherd’s Kids Hours:
Sundays at 8:30, 9:45 or 11:00 AM

Questions? Contact Andrew Kane, Children’s Ministry Director

Kids in Grades 1 – 3 Shepherd’s Kids Sunday School are encouraged, but not required, to participate in our Squiggles Bible Reading Program. This is self-led and done entirely at home. This is a way for kids and their families to engage in faith at home. There are 10 different bookmarks, with 15 bible stories on each. Once they’ve read the 15 stories, an adult signs the bottom of the card, they turn it into their leader, and they can move their name on the banner to show their progress. Then they pick up the next bookmark and continue through the program at their own pace. Once they’ve completed all 10 bookmarks they turn the last one into Andrew and receive a prize!

Below are links to print bookmarks from home, if you wish.
  • Bookmark #10

Questions? Contact Andrew Kane, Children’s Ministry Director

In Zone 45, we believe in fostering strong relationships and building community through exciting activities and sincere communication. We operate on a dynamic model that combines both large and small group interactions, allowing children to connect with peers and dedicated volunteers, whom we fondly call ‘Crew Leaders.’

To ensure a vibrant and impactful program, we prioritize several key practices:

  • Open communication: frequent, consistent and clear communication is key in Zone 45. 
  • Active Training: 2 – leader training sessions per year with weekly check-ins and review communication between the Leaders and Program Lead. 
  • All adult volunteers undergo thorough background checks to ensure the safety and security of our participants.
  • We incorporate a variety of activities, including music, crafts, prayer, games, yoga and meditation, and service projects, to reinforce biblical teachings and make learning enjoyable and relatable. 
  • Each child receives an age-appropriate Bible to support their spiritual growth.

Grades 4 - 5 Zone 45 Hours:
Wednesdays at 4:30, 5:45 or 7:00 PM

Questions? Contact Christa DeVries, CYF Director

Confirmation is a highly-relational faith formation program for students in grades 6 – 9. This program is designed to help students name and grow their unique, God-given gifts, with the invitation to use those gifts for service in the church and in the world. At baptism, parents and sponsors said, “Yes, God!” on the child’s behalf. Confirmation is the opportunity for a young person to grow, question, and explore so they may make the decision to take ownership of their faith and continue to say, “Yes, God!”

Weekly Program Hours: 
Wednesdays at 4:30, 5:45, or 7:00 PM

  • Class time will be half in large group half in small groups (8-10 students, 1 leader). 
  • Students will experience a mix of large group teaching led by SOTV staff (Video, presenters, etc.) and small group time led by volunteer leaders. 
    • Programs will be 60 minutes. 
    • We will have pizza available for purchase. 

    Questions? Contact Marissa Bachtel, CYF Director

    Confirmation is a highly-relational faith formation program for students in grades 6 – 9. This program is designed to help students name and grow their unique, God-given gifts, with the invitation to use those gifts for service in the church and in the world. At baptism, parents and sponsors said, “Yes, God!” on the child’s behalf. Confirmation is the opportunity for a young person to grow, question, and explore so they may make the decision to take ownership of their faith and continue to say, “Yes, God!”

    Confirmation Service Track

  • Service Track will allow youth to experience different types of service projects and be able to reflect on their service within small group. Service track will meet 2 times a month. One of the meetings will the service project which will alternate between being at church and off-site. The other meeting will be the small group meeting at the church. This meeting is to focus on scripture within the Bible to cover important aspects of serving including leadership, compassion, vocation, and servanthood. Along with discussion around scripture, the small group will have time to reflect on service projects they are partaking in. 
  • Students will meet twice each month at 1:00 PM
  • Questions? Contact Rose Bentley, CYF Director