Empty Nesters

  • What will your identity be during this new time in your life?
  • What are your interests and how can you connect these interests with others?
  • Has your involvement at church become less? Would you like to be more involved?

At Shepherd of the Valley, we strive to support our members through the transitions of life. The ’empty nester’ stage, with all its unique joys and challenges, is a stage of life that the church values and supports. We recognize the importance of having relationships and community during this time of transition.

What to Expect

The Empty Nester group hosts a variety of events, both at SOTV and locally. Events will be a time to meet others, and enjoy fellowship and community with a group of people that are in the same stage of life.

The Empty Nester group has a Steering Team that plans monthly activities. Each of these events support one of the following three areas:

  • Service
  • Learn
  • Social

Who Can Attend

Whether you are a new or established empty nester, single or a couple, a member of SOTV or not, you are welcome to join any of the planned activities.

Cultural Dinner Small Group

This is an Empty Nester Small Group that meets quarterly at a restaurant in the Twin Cities to experience a different type of ethnic food. We learn more about our neighbors while enjoying food and fellowship together. To be added to this small group, email Julie


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