How do we celebrate “First Communion?” We expect that for many children, their First Communion will happen with little fanfare, perhaps in response to them asking in the middle of a service if they can participate, or at a friend’s church after a sleepover. For some families, a formal celebration of First Communion is an important faith milestone associated with a specific learning experience. To these families, we invite you to attend a Communion Class (offered several times a year); there is a special blessing during worship the weekend following the class, and for some (though not all) children, this is also their First Communion. Additionally, families may host a party at home, inviting family and friends to join in a special meal or cake or other festivities.
Is there a minimum age requirement or required classes to take before First Communion?
In short – No.
God has invited you to this meal, exactly the way you are and with whatever background and insight you have; no preparation needed. Yet learning about Holy Communion is an unending and lifelong process, and none of us will ever be able to fully wrap our minds around this mysterious gift of God’s grace. We offer Communion Classes and strongly encourage families to attend, because learning about this sacrament may deepen its meaning for you – but attending a class is not a requirement for receiving Communion.
It was Jesus who said “Let the little children come to me” (Mark 10:14). Jesus valued children and welcomed them into his presence with open arms. Including young children in the invitation to receive Communion is a powerful way to welcome them as full participants in worship and our faith community. Further, what are we teaching about God’s gift of grace if we turn children away?
What should I wear for First Communion? In the past, it was traditional for girls to wear a white dress for First Communion, though that practice is not common now at SOTV. Holy Communion is a special celebration, so you could dress up like you were going to a fancy party. And God invites you to “come as we are,” so you could also choose to wear your favorite comfy sweatshirt. Or you might choose to dress somewhere in between. There are no rules or expectations about what you should wear to Communion or church in general, and we leave that decision up to individuals (or to kids, with some input from their parents).