Volunteer with Children, Youth, and Family Ministry


Volunteers of all ages and abilities make every one of our programs possible! We need volunteers to help lead small groups, work on special projects, maintain worship bags, and so much more. Service opportunities are also a great way to fulfill NHS hours and other school or organization requirements for service.

If none of the service options below work for your schedule or abilities, contact Kelsey Young to discuss other opportunities, and check back often for more ways to get involved!

Service Opportunities

Serving with CYF during the program year is a fun and creative way to share your faith with others, live out your calling to be a part of God’s great work, and connect and grow in your own faith! It takes all kinds of gifts and talents to make these amazing programs happen, and we’d love to help everyone find their perfect fit! 

Shepherd’s Kids Small Group Leader (Sun AM) – be excited, comfort big feelings, assist with activities, give directions, listen to their stories, structured, organized

Zone45 Small Group Leader (Wed PM) – flexible, high energy, manage behavior, give directions, encourage question asking

Confirmation Small Group Leader (Wed PM) – social, consistent, give directions, willing to jump in and have fun, ask questions, good listener

Service Track Small Group Leader (Flexible) – take and give directions, willing to jump in and help, puts your faith in action, independent, organized

Support (Flexible, Sun AM or Wed PM) – prepare materials, count out and organize supplies, fill in when subs are unavailable, take direction, comfortable talking to anyone, asks for help and clarity, likes to learn new things, organized, independent, willing to jump in when you see a need

Register Here for Fall 2024-25

If you have program specific questions, please contact the Program Director whose age group you would be interested in supporting:

Volunteers of all ages and abilities make it possible to host HUNDREDS of campers throughout the summer at SOTV! We’d love to have you join this amazing team and experience the joy of working together, sharing your faith, or giving a gift of your time, skills, or talents.

Small Group Leader — VBS, Mini Camps
Grade 9 and Older (2025 – 2026 School Year)
Lead a small group of 5 – 8 campers and help campers stay safe, follow directions, and create a caring environment each day.

Small Group Assistant — VBS
Grade 6 and Older (2025 – 2026 School Year)
Partner with a small group leader to care for a small group of campers.

Large Group Action Leader — VBS
Grade 6 and Older (2025 – 2026 School Year)
Lead the VBS song actions for campers on stage at opening/closing.

Station Leader — VBS, Mini Camps
Grade 12 and Older (2025 – 2026 School Year)
Organize and lead activities including giving instructions and managing materials for a station as multiple groups rotate through each day.

Station Assistant — VBS
Grade 6 and Older (2025 – 2026 School Year)
Help station leaders refill and prepare supplies, and clean as needed.

Floater — VBS
Adults, age 18+
Fill in for absent volunteers, help prepare materials, run supplies to station leaders, or whatever else comes up!

Adult Leader — Summer Trips
Adults, 18+
Lead activities, discussions, and create a welcoming environment for Middle and High School students.

  • Whether it’s leading games and activities, hanging out with students, volunteering to serve others, or driving a small group, volunteers make it possible to host one-time short events for students of all ages!
  • Volunteers will earn credits that can be used towards a merit scholarship for Off-Site Summer Immersion Trips and Camps (including Wapo)! Learn more and sign-up.
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