The Year of Transform Begins! (2016)

This month we will embark on “The Year of Transform” at Shepherd of the Valley, as we continue to live into our vision of “Welcome, Transform, Send.” So what exactly does Transform mean? Find out more in the August 2016 edition of the News for the Flock.


  • Transformed Lives Series
  • Zakoskis are “Four for Four”
  • Participate in Worship, Learn, Connect, and Care
  • Adult Retreat at Camp Wapo
  • Capital Fund and Finance Updates
  • Milestones and Highlights from July

Share a Transform Story of your own!

We want to hear stories of transformations big and small from our members this year—including yours! Come visit the Transform Team in the narthex on August 6 & 7 or August 27 & 28, or visit our new Transform website to be inspired by testimonials from fellow SOTV members.

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