We wish you happiness during your retirement!
Pam Tschida has announced her retirement after 24 years in Children’s Ministry and 7 years with Shepherd of the Valley. Pam will be with SOTV through the end of the GodZone program year/end of April 2020.
We are grateful to Pam for the dedication she has given to the children and families of SOTV. Her ministry will be missed. We wish her all the best as she starts this new chapter in her life.
Pam started in Children’s ministry in 1996 when her triplets were 9 months old. She began in Children’s ministry at a church, then after 12 years she moved to being a paraprofessional for ISD 622 while being a part-time education director for her church. When economic circumstances made her look for a new job, she applied at SOTV.
“I guess God knew where he wanted me, because, here I am!”
Squiggles (the mascot of the Spark Story Bible) and Pam began a very interesting relationship. He has been with her and her family to Florida and even went on a cruise with them!
“It has been so much fun to focus on our preschool and kindergarten age students. They are like little sponges and absorb everything given to them. It has been great to see their spiritual growth in the three years they were with me. Thank you to SOTV for giving me the honor and privilege to be part of the team. I will miss everyone at SOTV and I wish you nothing but the best in the future.”