Earlier this summer, four Shepherd of the Valley members traveled to visit our partner parishes of Tungamalenga, Makifu, and Usolanga in Tanzania. Because of Covid, it had been two long years since SOTV has been able to visit our partners in person. The group was excited to see old and new friends, and all the things discussed via Zoom the past couple years.
On June 6, they had an opportunity to see the Tungamalenga Lutheran Dispensary laboratory progress and participated in a laying of the cornerstone ceremony at the new laboratory. Representatives from SOTV, Bega Kwa Bega, and the Iringa Diocese were in attendance. Dr. Barnabas Kahwage, DIRA Health Secretary Alum Kikoti, and Kristen Levorson (representing both SOTV and BKB-SPAS) spoke. Bishop Blastone Gaville gave a rousing speech in which pointed out how the new laboratory would not only help our partners in Tungamalenga, but also the surrounding areas including our Makifu partners. The building was blessed and the cornerstone was laid. Afterward, the Tungamalenga Church choir sang while Dr. Barnabas Kahwage gave a tour of the laboratory. It was a joyous day filled with lots of prayers, smiles, dancing, and hope for the future Tungamalenga Lutheran Hospital!