Rejoice! For the first time in three years there will be a small group of travelers from SOTV to our partner congregations in Tanzania. Beginning with our traditional commissioning during 9:45am worship on May 22, one week later four church members will leave for their fifteen day adventure.
SOTV travelers include Melissa Taphorn (incoming SOTV Church Council president), Jeff Taphorn, Brenda Krueger (TZ Partnership Steering Team member), and Kirsten Levorson (Acting Director of Bega Kwa Bega). There will be visits to the Iringa Diocese office and to our three partner congregations: Makifu, Tungamalenga, and Usolanga. The group will joyfully attend the laying of the new dispensary laboratory cornerstone and hold meetings with local parish leaders to hear reports and discuss future partnerships together.
Watch for traveler updates through SOTV’s Facebook page, the July and August Newsletters, and a fall Sunday Forum reporting time. We all join in prayer for safe travels, and a productive and inspirational visit.