As a programmatic team at Shepherd of the Valley Church, we provide educational and reflective experiences about systemic racism and white privilege to and with the SOTV community at all ages and stages of life. Through listening to BIPOC communities, learning and inward reflection/examination, we work to empower the SOTV community to speak and act boldly against racism.
Email Julie to be added to the email list, to learn about upcoming events, or with suggestions.
Faith in Action: A faithful response to a changing world, Mondays, March 17-31, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. More info…
Resources to talk with your kids:
Resources for adults:
SOTV’s past study materials:
Cultural and History Learning:
In addition to connecting with Shepherd of the Valley’s Racial Truth and Justice Group, these are some other ways to connect.
Economic Action
It is important to support our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color) neighbors by exploring and supporting their businesses. We have begun to develop a list of options to learn more about our neighbors and support them as they work to support themselves, their families, and their communities.
Please consider the following vendors:
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Six community leaders share information and observations on Dakota County’s growing diversity, commenting on the opportunities and challenges growing diversity brings, and sharing ideas on how to be energized as citizens who make a positive difference. Listen to the audio file.
Panel Members:
Affiliated with the ELCA and Saint Paul Area Synod