There is a time for setting things aside and considering what we are doing with our lives and who we are becoming.
Most of us seldom take the time – there is just so much to “do”. The church season of Lent challenges us and invites us to take time and think about how our relationship with God, and in particular Jesus, impacts our daily living and transforms us.
Our theme for this year’s Lenten worship services is the Promises of Peace.
As Jesus was preparing his disciples for his death, resurrection, and ascension he told them, “My peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.” The peace of Christ can transform lives. Come and discover how.
Check out the Wednesday schedule and topics here. Following each worship service there will be an opportunity to learn and experience different prayer techniques. There are many different ways to communicate with God but often we do not take the time to try new ways. Come and explore them.
—Pastor Maggie Novak