Equity Task Force Concludes Their Work, and the Council Creates A New Equity Leadership Team (April 2022 Newsletter Article)

The Equity Task Force was established for one year to explore opportunities at SOTV for increasing equity and inclusion in our ministry. They first learned together, then were tasked with considering recommendations for SOTV’s ministry areas. At the March 2022 Council meeting, the Council approved a new leadership team to continue to consider and implement initiatives that help improve equity, diversity, and inclusion at SOTV.

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Holy Week (April 2022 Newsletter Article)  

As we worship together this Holy Week, come and bear witness to the full range of human experience and the abundant grace of a loving God, from a parade with shouts of praise to a meal framed by promise and betrayal to the frightened flight of followers and felt abandonment to a gruesome death to an empty time, and, finally, to an empty grave. From death to life. Because God shows up.

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Tanzania Partnership Update March 2022

Can you imagine going to your doctor with a cough, but the health facility had no way to diagnose the cause of your symptoms? Can you imagine trying to manage your diabetes without a lab that could measure your A1C? What if you were pregnant but the clinic couldn’t test for anemia? A laboratory facility is crucial for accurate diagnosis of disease.

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How Full is Your Cup These Days? (March 2022 Newsletter Article)

Maybe you are feeling like your cup is filled exactly as it should be – you are getting enough sleep, you are having meaningful interactions with friends and family, and your relationship with God feel strong and secure. Or maybe you’re feeling like your cup could use some filling – your health isn’t great, your relationships are strained, and you’re wondering about God’s presence and work in your life. Our “cups” fill and empty and fill again as we experience joy, fulfillment, challenge, and weariness throughout our days. There is no judgment for how full or empty your cup may be right now. The ebb and flow is simply the reality of our lives!

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Mindfulness to Boost Well-Being (March 2022 Newsletter Article)

From daily distractions to stress and anxiety, many things can occupy your head in today’s busy world, making you restless and barely aware of your surroundings. The sad fact is that it can have a significant negative effect on your mental health and overall well-being. So how can you learn to be calmer, more centered, and less stressed? Consider mindfulness, a mind-body practice that has been found to benefit both psychological, physical, and spiritual health.

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