Rick Summy Called to Serve as Senior Pastor
We are very excited and pleased to announce the Reverend Richard (Rick) Summy has been called to serve as Senior Pastor of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.
We are very excited and pleased to announce the Reverend Richard (Rick) Summy has been called to serve as Senior Pastor of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.
On behalf of the SOTV Call Committee and Church Council, we are pleased to announce a candidate has been recommended and approved to serve as Senior Pastor at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church!
The News for the Flock has transformed into a monthly publication! The July issue is now available at church and for download online.
On Sunday, June 5, 2016, the congregation gathered together with enthusiasm to learn about the current state of the church and its continued success in the future. President Jenny Harrits welcomed the 138 members of the congregation in attendance and thanked them for demonstrating their interest in, and support of, the ministries of Shepherd of the Valley. She then led the assembly in an opening prayer.
A group of SOTV members spent a recent day with Lutheran Social Services learning about refugees and immigrants who are now our Minnesota neighbors. It was truly a holy experience – and one worth sharing.
What do we, as people of the Christian faith who live in Minnesota do with the news of the mass killings in Orlando?
The News for the Flock has transformed into a monthly publication! The June issue is now available at church and for download online.
Shepherd of the Valley is a member of the Saint Paul Area Synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The annual gathering of area churches at Synod Assembly was May 20 & 21 at Prince of Peace in Burnsville.
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Affiliated with the ELCA and Saint Paul Area Synod