September 2016 News for the Flock

September is always an exciting time in the year of the church. Programs for the school year are starting back up and children and adults are encouraged to plug in to ministries of worship, learn, connect, and care. As you or your family members dive into a new or annual activity, it’s a good time to reflect on how you are serving God while serving one another.

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News on a Stick! (2016)

In honor of the State Fair (and because there’s a lot of little tidbits to share), here’s some bite-sized updates from around the church. No deep frying necessary!

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The Year of Transform Begins! (2016)

This month we will embark on “The Year of Transform” at Shepherd of the Valley, as we continue to live into our vision of “Welcome, Transform, Send.” So what exactly does Transform mean? Find out more in the August edition of the News for the Flock.

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Big Things Happening in the Food Shelf! (2016)

Last month you might have noticed the addition of a gleaming new refrigerator and freezer for Our Daily Bread Food Shelf in the Shepherd Room. It is very noticeable if you’re walking by outside the Great Hall or Music Room. These big new appliances were purchased thanks to monetary donations made to the Food Shelf—thank you to everyone who made this possible!

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