Gifts of the Spirit (2017)

Have you ever wondered why God created you? In Psalm 139, we are reminded that God has fearfully and wonderfully made each one of us. God is the one who knit each of us together in our mother’s womb. You were intentionally made on purpose, for a purpose.

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A Hunger for Learning (2017)

Jane and I have experienced many Bible studies, book studies, men’s groups, women’s groups, the race group, and Sunday Forums. They have all provided us the “pearls of wisdom” that increase our understanding of our faith, give us the ability to “go in peace and serve the Lord” and improve our ability and awareness to participate in the conversations of the day.

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Putting Feet to our Faith (2017)

Keeping true to our Vision at Shepherd of the Valley, in the past two years, we have focused on being Welcomed into the fellowship of Christ, and have been Transformed by his Spirit and Word. We now focus on our mission and opportunity to be Sent to love and serve others. This August begins our year of SEND at Shepherd of the Valley. Our theme is “Putting Feet to our Faith.”

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2017 Summer Immersion Experiences

With vehicles packed, hugs given to parting travelers, and seats carefully picked for the journey ahead, anticipation mounts. Will I have fun this week? Am I going to make any new friends? Is serving others going to be scary?

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The Year of SEND = 2017

Last month, my husband and daughter took a weekend trip to the family lake place, just the two of them. The weather wasn’t going to be great, but they had plans to fish and enjoy the lake anyway.

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Hope In Hard Times (2017)

Submitted by Bob Lange –
In the early summer of 2008, I became septic from a diabetic foot ulcer. I was very, very ill. I was in the ICU and then a nursing home with intravenous antibiotics for a couple of months. The infection in my foot would not heal and finally at the end of summer, I had my right foot amputated. I again was in the nursing home for recovery and physical therapy. I learned to walk again with prosthesis. Needless to say, it was a difficult time. My faith in God was strong and I always believed he was there with me. In addition to the great medical care, I had the prayers and support of my family, friends and church. They all gave me the hope to overcome this.

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Purposeful Retirement Update July 2017

What do the following have in common: A Barbecue, End of Life Issues, No-Regrets Retirement Planning, Understanding Your Strengths and Gifts, and Feed My Starving Children? The answer: they all represent just a few of the various programs sponsored by Purposeful Retirement at Shepherd of the Valley during the past three years.

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