Coming Home 2018: Tanzania Update

On July 26, my daughter, Anna, and I returned home from a life-changing visit to Tanzania. We had been privileged with the honor and responsibility of representing our congregation on a visit with our partners overseas. It was a delightful journey. We sang, danced, prayed, and worshiped with our friends in Tungamalenga, Makifu, and Usolanga.

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Nursery in 2018

We love caring for your children during worship services, and want to do all we can to ensure their safety. Please know the following important rules if you’d like to use the nursery.

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Music Groups Resume in September 2018

Shepherd of the Valley has a rich musical tradition, and you are invited to be a part of it! Whether you have sung or played an instrument in the past, or are wanting to try it for the first time, you are welcome to find the group that calls to you.

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