2018 Emergency Shelter in Dakota County

We are working with Matrix Housing Services and others in our county to provide emergency temporary shelter from November 2018 through March 2019. The temporary shelter will rotate among secure locations, housing adults each night, and including breakfast and dinner, plus some emergency supplies.

We need your help! Please prayerfully consider how you might help.

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Happy Birthday Shepherd of the Valley!

We have traditionally celebrated the birthday of Shepherd of the Valley during the month of November because on November 1, 1981 there was a meeting in which the church was officially welcomed as a member of the Lutheran Church and Pastor Paul Harrington was installed as the first pastor.

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2018 Stewardship Celebration

By Rick Summy, Senior Pastor

One of the definitions of stewardship is defined as “everything we do after we say we believe.” (I’m Lutheran enough to want to quibble and say that it is everything we do once God claims us, which happens at birth and is sealed in baptism.) Either way, everything we do once we belong to God certainly involves time, talent, and treasure.

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2018 Tanzania Scholarship Fund

Each year, Shepherd of the Valley provides about $45,000 to support secondary and university scholarships for 150 students. Scholarships range from $400 for most secondary students to $3,000 for college students. Most of our students have parents who have died or who are subsistence farmers earning less than a dollar a day.

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