It was a hot one! (2019)

Thank you to everyone who participated in Habitat for Humanity during the hottest week in July! We had 31 volunteers throughout the week, working at a site in St. Paul off Maryland Ave. The group worked on siding, garage construction, and more. SOTV benevolence dollars funded our week-long build by giving Habitat $6,000. Thank you to all the volunteers who completed great work in the heat!

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2019 Summer Offering Pictures

Beginning this summer, we have started offering weekly Good News for Kids children’s messages. In addition, children are invited to draw or color a picture as an offering to God during the sermon. These pictures may be placed in the offering plate or brought up front during the offering time, along with any financial offerings. The pictures are displayed in the nathex weekly, helping to brighten our space! Below are some of the offering pictures from summer.

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