Parents – we as a church promised to support you and your children

Good news, parents and sponsors! You did not make the promise alone to raise your kids in faith. We, your church, promised to support you, plus make it more possible and enjoyable for you to bring your child “to the services of God’s house.” Shepherd of the Valley has always loved its kiddos, but here are a few small, concrete ways we can all do our part here…

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Offering Photos from All Saints Weekend on November 2/3, 2019

Beginning this summer, we have started offering weekly Good News for Kids children’s messages. In addition, children are invited to draw or color a picture as an offering to God during the sermon. These pictures may be placed in the offering plate or brought up front during the offering time, along with any financial offerings. The pictures are displayed in the narthex weekly, helping to brighten our space! Below are some of the offering pictures from All Saints Weekend on November 2 and 3.

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2019 Christmas Gift Giving

Sign-up to help a family or individual in need this holiday season through our Christmas Gift Giving program. We have several different shopping programs or you can give a monetary donation.

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Why SOTV Members Are Thankful For Our Tanzania Partnership

Most of the time our partnership with the people of Tungamalenga, Makifu, and Usolanga Parishes in the Iringa Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania focuses on things that happen in Tanzania – a visit, a project, a celebration. This month, travelers share what makes them grateful about this partnership.

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November 2019 Food Shelf Collection: Pasta

Throughout November, the SOTV Food Shelf is collecting pasta. Please bring any donations to the specified wooden box in the narthex. If you have any questions, please ask the Welcome Center volunteer. Tax donation slips should be located by the donation box.

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