February 2020 Food Shelf Collection: Side Dishes

Throughout February, the SOTV Food Shelf is collecting side dishes. Please bring any donations to the specified wooden box in the narthex. If you have any questions, please ask the Welcome Center volunteer. Tax donation slips should be located by the donation box.

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All are welcome – including the youngest among us

At Shepherd of the Valley, we believe that Holy Communion is a sacred meal in which the presence, love, forgiveness, and mercy of Christ come to us in bread and wine. God is the host and invites everyone, regardless of age, understanding, or religious background to this table where faith is nourished.

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Adult Leaders Needed for Summer 2020 Trips

Young people are our greatest resource! Their faith in Jesus Christ takes root in the midst of a trusting, positive, and compassionate environment. Trips are wonderful vehicles for growing in faith and community, but also one of the most intense experiences personally and emotionally. Adult leaders are selected by the Youth Ministry staff based on need and a demonstrated ability to interact in positive and caring ways. Apply today for one of our Summer 2020 experiences at sotv.org/events or pick up an application in the Children, Youth, & Family office!

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What the staff’s reading these days…

Pastor Randy says, “Wow, the first chapters of this book are inspirational, thought-provoking, and theologically solid! I have just started reading this book because Professor Bussie is scheduled as a guest speaker at SOTV on Saturday, February 22. Love Without Limits is full of personal stories with universal relevance, taking seriously ‘Jesus’ radical vision for love,’ and offering insight for making God’s radical love real in our everyday lives. I thoroughly recommend this book and it has increased my eagerness to hear Jacqueline speak to us in just a few months. This is a book that will stay on my list to recommend to others.”

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Nativities (2019 edition)

Ann Bloomquist Jarema has been collecting nativity scenes for the last ten years, and sharing them at church for the last seven. At first, Ann saw that the church was displaying nativities at Christmas and she offered to share a few of hers. Once she saw people enjoying the nativities, especially the children in awe of some animal scenes, she knew she wanted to keep collecting!

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From Loneliness to Love

I recently heard an interview of Dr. Vivek Murthy, the 19th Surgeon General of the United States. When Dr. Murthy took on this role, he embarked on a listening tour. He heard many stories from people. He was struck by the stories of real loneliness behind stories of addiction, abuse, or violence.

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Help us plan our 2020 FUNraiser!

We need your help! Volunteers are needed to be on the committee and take a role in our next FUNraiser that is scheduled for May 31. Volunteers can help plan the menu, coordinate the golf outing, get silent auction items, and much more. We will be meeting early in 2020 to start planning. We are a fun team and would love for you to join us! For more information, please contact Lisa Hegerman at 952.985.7329 or lisa.hegerman@sotv.org.

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