Thank You Lori Bullock!

Lori, we wish you happiness during your retirement! After 19 years of ministry, Lori Bullock has retired from SOTV as of April 1. She will be focusing on helping her mother with an upcoming surgery, and is looking forward to being an active volunteer at SOTV.

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Thank You Pam Tschida!

Pam, we wish you happiness during your retirement! Pam Tschida has announced her retirement after 24 years in Children’s Ministry and 7 years with Shepherd of the Valley. Pam will be with SOTV through the end of the GodZone program year/end of April 2020.

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April 2020 Newsletter Survey Update

As staff, Council, and leadership teams have considered feedback from the surveys and focus groups, we have developed new language for our vision, mission, and values. You can find this language on our website (on the “about us” page), and soon in other communication tools as well.

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Ordinary… (2020)

Ordinary. It’s not a word in our vocabulary right now, is it? Some of us usually revel in
the pleasures of the ordinary—the comfortable chair, the good book, the regular routine. On the other hand, it makes the adventurers among us chafe at the bit. In either case, I suspect a return to the ordinary would be music to all of our ears about now.

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April 2020 Food Shelf Collection: Snack Items

Throughout April, the SOTV Food Shelf is collecting snack items. Please bring any donations to the specified wooden box in the narthex. If you have any questions, please ask the Welcome Center volunteer. Tax donation slips should be located by the donation box.

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