State of SOTV (Fall 2022)

The last few years have been something else, haven’t they? Whatever the new normal turns out to be it won’t be the same as the old normal. What exactly it will look like is yet to be determined. Stay tuned. This last fiscal year…

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September is Welcome Home Month!

As we continue to make our way out of this pandemic, begin a fall programming season that is ambitious in both scope and breadth, and come back together in new and familiar ways, it’s the perfect time to welcome all of our SOTV family and friends home again. September is the month to come home!

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Staff Announcement for Erin Swenson-Hatzung

Erin Swenson-Hatzung concluded as Grades 4-5 Children’s Ministry Director in August. Erin devoted 11 years to SOTV in Children and Youth Ministry, and has moved to a new role as Director of Youth and Family Ministry at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Woodbury. Thank you for your ministry, Erin!

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Vine is Available

The Vine is available at SOTV! You can find the printed magazine by our newsletters (inside the doors, in the kiosks, and by the Vine banner in the narthex. Come grab yours, and some extras for family and friends!

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