Pack Food with the Sheridan Story in 2020

The Sheridan Story provides a range of food to meet different cultural dietary preferences. All their food bags are 4-5 pounds and contain approximately four meals of nutritious, non-perishable food. Adults and kids age 8+ can help pack food bags during a Sheridan Story packing event at the warehouse in Roseville.

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Tanzania: Apart and Still Together

For the first time since our Tanzania Partnership began in 2001, our annual journey to visit our partners in Tungamalenga, Makifu, and Usolanga Parishes was cancelled. We describe our partnership as Bega Kwa Bega, the Swahili phrase that means shoulder to shoulder. We name three pillars of our companionship: prayer, presence, and projects. All of these imply being together…or do they?

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Seeking Host Homes in Dakota County for Youth Facing Homelessness in 2020

Did you know that we have youth in Dakota County who are facing homelessness today? Host homes can offer stability and shelter during a difficult time in a young person’s life. Volunteer hosts are a community solution providing a temporary safe home and food to help meet basic needs. The YMCA connects youth with host homes and assists the youth with setting and achieving goals. For information, contact Jesse at

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