Tips for Caring for Yourself in Times of Grief

The Christmas holidays can be a stressful, emotional time for many, and when you’re grieving the death of a loved one, it can be even tougher. Loneliness, guilt, fatigue, and feeling out of sync with the rest of the world are common reactions. Additionally, COVID-19 has made grief a daily experience for many. The loss of our normal lives and worry about you and your loved ones’ health may fill you with an underlying sense of dread and fear. To help with processing your feelings of grief, consider these five tips…

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American Red Cross Outstanding Service Award (2020)

As thousands of blood drives around the nation were cancelled due to the impact of COVID-19, please know that your drive protected the health and well-being of the most vulnerable among us – including accident victims, cancer patients, those suffering from chronic illnesses and many others…

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