Congregational Meeting Overview from September 25, 2022

Council President, Melissa Taphorn, presented the Council-approved officers and leaders for approval by the congregation. The congregation unanimously approved the Council officers and leaders. Council Treasurer, Richard (Dick) Rank, presented a review of the 2021-22 year-end closing figures along with a summary presentation of the new fiscal year budget for 2022-23. After review and discussion, the budget was unanimously passed by the congregation with one abstaining member. Meeting minutes will be posted upon approval at

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2022 Tanzania Scholarships

One of our proudest achievements during the past 21 years has been working Bega Kwa Bega with our sisters and brothers in Tanzania to provide scholarships for students. Hundreds of young people in the parishes of Makifu, Tungamalenga, and Usolanga have benefitted from your generous gifts and have advanced their educations far beyond what would otherwise be possible for them.

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August 2022 Blood Drive

We had a successful blood drive in August with 64 donors and 62 pints of blood collected, exceeding the goal for the day. Through your generosity, the donations will potentially save up to 186 lives!

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Thank You Habitat for Humanity Volunteers from August 2022!

Thank you to all the volunteers that gave their time and talent to help build a home in Farmington! Your efforts will help to provide shelter for a family in need. The impact of owning your own home and having played a part in the building of the home, is something that can only be measured in love. Thank you for helping a family become homeowners.

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Thank You for Donating to the Food Shelf in August 2022!

What fun it was to see the smiling faces as clients could receive global cuisine items for their families. These are some of the most difficult foods for us to secure through our food partners, yet one of the most requested by families. What a blessing it is to have the opportunity to share this resource!

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