Pastoral Updates (May 2021)

We’re excited to introduce the Rev. Dr. Sharon Kelly as our new full-time interim pastor. Pastor Sharon has her Ph.D. in adult education, a wealth of interim ministry experience, and a variety of skills and interests that will enhance our ministry. We look forward to getting to know her better over the coming weeks, as she will begin at SOTV on May 3 and serve for the next nine months while we seek a pastor to replace Pastor Wendy.

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May: The Gateway to Summer (2021)

May is filled with major events and celebrations. In the midst of all this, God’s creation is waking up. May you find ways this summer to experience Christ’s abundant grace, mercy, and love in both familiar and extraordinary ways! My prayer is that you experience God’s love and share it.

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Embracing Hope by Rachel Wermerskirchen (2021)

For over a year, the pandemic has created anxiety, loneliness, fear, and uncertainty. For many, this onerous situation has been compounded by the death of a loved one, lack of access to health care, job loss, food insecurity, and countless other struggles. Hope can sometimes seem lost. Yet in the midst of the daily strife we face, we as followers of Christ can choose hope.

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