UV Safety Awareness Month (July 2021 NFTF article)

Summer has arrived and while the sun is shining bright it’s a good time to highlight that July is UV Safety Awareness Month! We all love to take in those warm summer rays, but it’s important to protect our skin and eyes from the damaging effects of the sun. Learn more and find helpful tips!

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Community Prayer Gathering Overview (July 2021)

On Thursday, June 10 in the northern shade of the SOTV parking lot, 65 community members participated in the inaugural outdoor Community Prayer Gathering for Justice! We prayed for ISD 196, the Apple Valley Juneteenth event, and listened to an inspiring message from Pastor Sharon. The worship band performed a newly created song for this public gathering, Inclusive Love.

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The Joy of Connecting In Person! (July 2021)

Connecting with genuine care, sharing joyful smiles, and listening with acceptance are experiences of God’s love found in our relationships. I have a hard time imagining what my faith would be like without connections with people who know my name. And thus, this last year of COVID has been more challenging and stressful for me than I want to admit. My hope is that we are now in a new season where we can experience God’s gift of joy by connecting in person.

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Building Fund & Capital Fund Change (July 2021)

Effective August 1, 2021, we will begin paying our mortgage and facility improvements and/or maintenance from the General Fund. In the past, these expenses have been handled through the Building Fund, or (more recently) the Capital Fund. If you’ve supported either of these funds, or are just curious to learn more, please read further.

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Building Hours Update (July 2021)

Beginning July 6, 2021, SOTV will resume regular building hours.

Building Hours:
Sunday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Friday: Closed

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Monday, July 5, 2021 is a holiday. The building and offices will be closed. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

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