Waiting…(September 2021 Newsletter Article)

We are still worshiping in person (masked so long as transmission in Dakota County is substantial or high) and via livestream. GodZone, Zone 45, and Confirmation will start on time but without pizza and snacks (sigh). Our musical groups are rehearsing in safe and distanced ways. Bible studies and other programs will continue to take place, either masked and in person or on Zoom (sometimes both). We are continuing to plan for celebrations of our 10/20/40 anniversaries—10 years for the pipe organ, 20 years of partnership in Tanzania, 40 years as a congregation.

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Liminal Space (August 2021 Newsletter Article)

The word “liminal” comes from the Latin root, “limen,” which means “threshold.” It’s a place where we are in between, crossing over, transitioning. Not only are we in a liminal space in terms of seasons – transitioning from summer to fall – we are in a liminal space in terms of our COVID practices and mindset.

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