Special Needs Ministry Update (October 2021 Newsletter)

Passionate and gifted people have come together to shape and inspire a Jesus-focused ministry to actively invite and support children and adults regardless of diagnosis – and their families – through connections, accommodations, nurturing, and caring. Here are a few things they’re working on…

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Anniversary Trifecta of 10-20-40

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church is having an Anniversary Trifecta. We are having a run on three grand events. The truncated reference for this Anniversary Trifecta is 10-20-40 in consecutive numerical order.

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The Gift of Health (Tanzania Article from October 2021 Newsletter)

The population in and around Tungamalenga is growing and the Tanzanian government has classified it as a small city. With that designation comes the need for a small hospital. The Tungamalenga Lutheran Dispensary is the best equipped medical facility in the area to expand to fill this need. According to Tanzanian government specifications, a laboratory building is the next step in the planned expansion.

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FUNraiser 2021 Overview

Thank you to all those who volunteered and brought items for our annual collection! Over 14,000 school supply items have been distributed to area schools and ministry partnerships that will benefit hundreds of students and families to be prepared for this school year.

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