Small Groups at SOTV

Small groups have always had a positive impact on the members in the groups. SOTV has thrived with our small groups. Hear from some of our current small group members, hear about a new small group beginning, and read about a featured small group.

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SOTV Needs You

In these in between times, it is particularly important that we continue to support all that SOTV is and does. This Christmastime, please give generously to SOTV and perhaps consider additional regular support to help us pay off our mortgage.

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We Are Safe, Loved, and At Home (December 2021 Newsletter Article)

As the weather turns colder, I love to get “cozy.” Sometimes that means a fire in the fireplace, or warm socks, or wrapping up in a blanket. My son and I love to snuggle together, him with his milk and me with some warm cider. It’s a feeling of being safe and loved… a feeling of home. I feel that at SOTV, too. When we are together, we are safe, loved, and at home.

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Thoughts from Outreach (November 2021 Newsletter Article)

Fall, a showing of all God’s glorious colors. What a wonderful time of the year to enjoy the slightly slower pace, to breathe in the earthy scents of falling leaves and damp earth. Flannels and sweatshirts snuggle us in warmth, as all around us, the temperature cools. The comforts of home come to reflect the glow coming from our fireplace. The unmistakable scent of a stew slowly roasting in the oven. The crisp scents of cinnamon and apple cider tickle our noses and fill our home with love. Then there’s the other side of the story…

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