Band-Aids and Beanie Babies (Tanzania February Newsletter Article)

“What would be a simple gift we could collect for our first visit to Tungamalenga Parish in Tanzania?” we wondered. How about Band-Aids? They are practical, inexpensive, colorful, and something we all have in our homes in Minnesota. What about Beanie Babies? They were the hottest thing for American children to collect in the late 90s, but by 2002, many children had outgrown them.

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February is Heart Awareness Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing one in four deaths each year.
But there’s a lot you can do to live a heart-healthy life — and connecting with others can make your efforts even more successful. Here’s how to start…

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40 Years: What Has NOT Changed?

I (Pastor Randy) have been a member of SOTV for 28 years of our 40 year history. As I look back, I also identify elements in our congregational history that have NOT shifted. It’s as if our core DNA has remained unchanged, even as we have grown through the years, gifting our community with an enduring, stable identity and mission. Here is what I notice…

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Celebrating 20 Years of Tanzania Partnership (January 2022 Newsletter)

We’re celebrating 20 years of the blessings of partnership this year, with one of the highlights coming soon. On January 29/30, 2022: Worship will feature songs we’ve learned from our Tanzanian partners, the choirs will wear the colorful Tanzanian clothing our travelers received as gifts, and there will be a Tanzanian style auction* to raise funds for a laboratory building at the clinic. You won’t want to miss it!

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An Epiphany (January 2022 NFTF Article)

I had something of an epiphany (a sudden revelation or insight) when I read the January 2022 newsletter. I really shouldn’t have been surprised. While I don’t always know everything that is happening at SOTV, I try to keep up. But there is something about reading about it all in one sitting. It’s pretty remarkable.

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