Meet our New Pastor, Learn Ministry

On February 13, 2022, the congregation unanimously voted to call Pastor Peter Harrits to serve Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church as Associate Pastor, Learn Ministry. Pastor Peter Harrits will begin at SOTV on Thursday, March 10. Join for Peter’s first weekend preaching at SOTV on March 19 – 20. His installation is planned for April 23 – 24. Watch for more information – including contact info – in our weekly emails.

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Pastor Randy Brandt to Retire

In the Old Testament we read that there is a season for everything, but somehow Ecclesiastes chapter 3 leaves out: “there is a time for work and a time for retirement.” Following months of prayer, discernment, and planning, I announce my intent to begin my new season in life of retirement with Sunday, June 26, 2022, as my last weekend as pastor at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.

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SOTV Food Shelf & MN FoodShare March Campaign 2022

MN FoodShare began in 1982 as a campaign advanced by congregations to restock food shelves in the 7-county Twin Cities Metro. The effort was so successful, and the need so evident, March Campaign became a statewide initiative one year later, now in its 41st year. Read how you can donate from February 28 – April 10!

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Thank you for donating useable fabric

Thanks to the very generous people who donated 16 boxes/bags of useable fabric that the two groups share. If we have anyone willing to sew quilt tops, please find details on the groups and contacts at We also welcome new members to tie, iron, or sew. Many hands make our job easier.

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January 2022 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) South Metro Meal Pack Overview

Thank you to over 90 SOTV volunteers who joined 3,800 others at Beran Baptist Church January 24-30 as part of the South Metro Meal Pack. SOTV was one of the sponsoring churches for the week-long event and contributed $4,200 to the effort. Over 750,000 meals were packed during the week. FMSC distributes easy to cook, nutritionally balanced meals which are distributed across the world for emergency hunger relief.

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Overview from All Who Are Weary: Mental Illness & Christian Faith

As humans, we’re recognizing more and more the importance of caring for mental health – and nearly two years of a global pandemic has made that even more evident. We are all, in a lot of ways, worn out. How do we understand experiences of mental illness within the context of Christian faith, and how do we practice patience, compassion, and boundaries for those going through it? Pastor Emmy Kegler shared from her new book All Who Are Weary: Easing the Burden on the Walk with Mental Illness. Listen to Pastor Emmy Kegler’s February 19, 2022 presentation.

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Red Cross Blood Drive January 2022

On January 27 (2022), the Red Cross collected 57 units of greatly needed blood which will benefit up to 171 individuals. Thank you to all who donated; and to all the volunteers who made appointments, greeted, and served in the canteen. Together we have given a life-saving gift to many!

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