Meet our New Pastor, Learn Ministry

Pastor Peter Harrits

On February 13, 2022, the congregation unanimously voted to call Pastor Peter Harrits to serve Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church as Associate Pastor, Learn Ministry.

Pastor Peter Harrits will begin at SOTV on Thursday, March 10. Join for Peter’s first weekend preaching at SOTV on March 19 – 20. His installation is planned for April 23 – 24. Watch for more information – including contact info – in our weekly emails (sign-up for emails here). Please extend your kind welcome to Pastor Peter Harrits when you see him!

Pastor Peter Harrits has a long history of global ministry since his ordination in 2011. His work as Director of Bega Kwa Bega and Assistant to the Bishop with the Saint Paul Area Synod has provided a vast array of ministry opportunities in Tanzania, a variety of other global ministry partnership work, educational opportunities, local teaching to bridge ministry with international congregations, and more! Most recently, Pastor Peter has led congregations and members in equity and diversity awareness through programs like the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) training. In addition, Pastor Peter is no stranger to preaching and adapting to a variety of congregations, along with the many pastoral roles of congregational ministry.

Pastor Peter served as the Coordinator for Youth and Global Missions, Malaysia where his role was a blended role of administration, trainer/educator, and pastor. Peter is described by many to be extremely intelligent intellectually and emotionally. He served as a Youth Director at SOTV prior to being ordained and was part of the first SOTV delegation to travel to Iringa and Tungamalenga.

Pastor Peter has gifts for preaching, teaching, and building relationships; he is a collaborator and a team player. He has a gift for bringing people along, engaging others, and knowing how to communicate well by choosing the right words to make an impact.

We are blessed to have the opportunity to be the congregation to call Pastor Peter where he and his family can begin to establish roots and transition from global ministry to congregational ministry. Pastor Peter, his wife Jenny, two daughters, and two dogs already have some established history with SOTV and knowledge of the ministry here. While this was not criteria for our call, his strong connection will surely present a comfort in transition. Peter and Jenny were married at SOTV in 2015 and celebrated the baptisms of both daughters with the congregation. Jenny has volunteered as a confirmation guide and served on Church Council as President. Together, they enjoy travel internationally and closer to home. As a family, they are slowly making their way through the ‘Hiking Club’ trails at each of the Minnesota State Parks.