Pounds of food and dollars donated both count toward a match!
MN FoodShare began in 1982 as a campaign advanced by congregations to restock food shelves in the 7-county Twin Cities Metro. The effort was so successful, and the need so evident, March Campaign became a statewide initiative one year later, now in its 41st year.
Any donations (shelf stable food or dollars) will be counted toward a match that GMCC (Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches) facilitates. Food donations are matched based on pounds donated, so try to donate heavy items like cans, gallons, heavy items like laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent, etc.
How you can donate:
- Bring your food donations to SOTV and drop off on the metal shelving inside door 3 or in the wooden collection box inside the main doors.
- To donate monetarily, visit or text “SOTV” to 73256 and designate the ‘March Food Drive’ fund.
- Write a check to SOTV with “March Food Drive” in the memo line.
Volunteer at the Food Shelf
We are looking for morning food shelf volunteers. Morning volunteers weigh, sort, and shelve incoming rescue food; plus, pack the grocery bags for families who are choosing curbside pickup or assist a family member wanting to shop in the food shelf. Volunteers need to be able to lift up to 40 pounds. We have one regular opening for the 2nd & 4th Tuesday morning of each month. We also need substitutes to be available for a Tuesday or Thursday morning shift. Interested? Contact Judy Hartfiel at or 612.799.5468.
Details about SOTV’s Food Shelf can be found at