Easter and springtime are full of God’s gifts to be grateful for—including the hope of the resurrection and signs of new life in the world around us. And we can make music to celebrate! Use the videos, activities, and other resources on this page to explore making a joyful noise on your own or with friends and family.
Parents, use your own discretion when it comes to your kids. If content is rated for certain ages then we will indicate that. Enjoy!
Share: What were your high and low points today?
Read: Psalm 100:1: “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.”
Reflect: In a moment of extreme joy, excitement, or gratitude, what noise would you make? Is it a giggle, a song, a shout? Make it now—and know that your genuine expression makes God glad!
Pray: “Dear God, help us to express our praise to you in our own unique ways. Amen. “
Bless: Trace a cross on each other’s shoulder, hand, or head and say “[Name], you are a beloved child of God.”
For more conversation starters, try Daring Deep Discussions.
For more Bible texts, go to Suggested Scripture Readings.
Check out the Good News for Kids video!
“Who Sang the First Song?” Enjoy this story, read aloud by the author Ellie Holcomb, and see how God creates everyone and every thing with their own song to sing.
Watch Anita Collins’s TED Ed lesson about how playing an instrument causes fireworks in the brain, the equivalent of a fullbrain workout. It’s cool to know that we praise God with our whole selves when we “make a joyful noise.”
Affiliated with the ELCA and Saint Paul Area Synod