Pastor Paulo Masinga and Evangelist George Kioniani have arrived safely at home in Tanzania after their two week visit to Shepherd of the Valley. Thanks to all who provided a warm welcome!
During their visit, they learned about our daily routines at home, in schools, and at church. They were amazed at how our lives are so driven by the clock, and they were inspired by the way our church welcomes people in need, particularly through our food shelf. They were impressed with friendly teaching strategies and the low teacher to student ratio they saw in school classrooms as well as in GodZone and confirmation classes. They enjoyed a visit to a construction site and a farm—amazed again at nail guns, cranes, tractors, and combines.
At a partnership meeting, Paulo and George provided updates from Tungamalenga and Makifu Parishes, and offered thanks for the many ways we work together to support evangelism, education, healthcare and economic Development. Together, we discussed our next steps in constructing the primary school at Mpalapande, as well as future goals such as the water project at Ikwavila and upgrading the Tungamalenga dispensary to a small hospital.
Most of all, we experienced the joy of creating, renewing and strengthening the relationships we have through this partnership. George and Paulo each said on various occasions, “We are together because of Jesus Christ. It is a miracle!”