Maybe you are feeling like your cup is filled exactly as it should be – you are getting enough sleep, you are having meaningful interactions with friends and family, and your relationship with God feel strong and secure.
Or maybe you’re feeling like your cup could use some filling – your health isn’t great, your relationships are strained, and you’re wondering about God’s presence and work in your life.
Our “cups” fill and empty and fill again as we experience joy, fulfillment, challenge, and weariness throughout our days. There is no judgment for how full or empty your cup may be right now. The ebb and flow is simply the reality of our lives!
The church is about to enter into the season of Lent. Our theme for our mid-week services this year is “Full to the Brim: God’s promise of abundant and expansive grace,” from A Sanctified Art. “Full to the Brim” is an invitation into a radically different Lent and life. It is an invitation to be authentically who you are, to counter scarcity and injustice at every turn, to pour out even more grace wherever it is needed.
When we allow ourselves to be filled to the brim with God’s love, that love spills over. It reaches beyond ourselves. It is expansive and abundant.
Join us in worship as we hear familiar stories in new ways – we will hear about God as a mothering hen, a prodigal son welcomed home, a fig tree nurtured, precious oil poured out freely, and stones shouting with praise. Along the way, we will hear a gospel message of grace – grace that we could never earn or deserve – but grace that fills our cups to the point of overflowing.
More information about our worship calendar can be found here.
This Lent, let us trust – fully – that we belong to God. Let us increase our capacity to receive and give grace. Let us discover the expansive life God dreams for us.
May your cup be filled this Lenten season.
In Christ,
Pastor Lindsey Bina