Saturday or Sunday before worship
Shepherd of the Valley’s main entry or north commons entry
Greeters welcome worshipers with a smile and give directions as needed.
What is the time commitment?
20 minutes. Greeters start 15 minutes prior to the worship service start time and remain for five minutes after worship begins. (For example: for the 11:00 am service, your shift begins at 10:45 am and last until 11:05 am).
Who can greet?
Anyone! Individuals, couples, friends, families, or ministry groups have all served as greeters.
What do I do?
Before your shift, check in at the Welcome Center to get a name tag and any special information for that day. You’ll be given a little training if this is your first time, then directed to one of the main entrances to start greeting.
Can I get on a regular schedule to greet?
Yes! We’d love to have you greet once per month! You can choose your preferred weekend and worship time.
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Affiliated with the ELCA and Saint Paul Area Synod