Consider these ideas for Water + Word that you can incorporate into your own unique circumstances:
- As a regular caregiver for little ones: Splash, sing, and bless. Change the words to a familiar tune, and sing it as a blessing as you bathe them, or even while washing hands before a snack or meal. Pick up a special cup marked by a cross at the table in the Narthex to pour water and remember how God’s love washes over us at bath time and all the time!
- With older grandkids: Send the link to Joseph Herscher’s Human Car Wash video with a note: “I hope your morning routine includes a reminder that each day is a fresh start. God loves you, and so do I!”
- At a family gathering: Play Water Bingo and experience God’s love by getting to know something new about the people you love! Find someone to sign each square to get a row across, down, or diagonal.
- From a distance: Send a Baptism Bookmark via email or snail mail, along with a photo from your grandchild’s baptism. Jot a few memories you have from that day.
How will you experience Water + Word with those you love?