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The season of Epiphany: Seeing Jesus

Beginning with the Feast of the Epiphany (or “Three Kings Day”) on January 6 until Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2025), we hear stories of magi who follow a star, Jesus’ baptism, and his first miracle. Theologian Peter Gomes said, “This is the most important season of the church’s year because this is the season in which we come to see who Jesus is, where he is to be found, and where we begin to understand what he is about.” Enjoy these activities and videos as they lead us on a journey of discovery and discipleship.

Parents, use your own discretion when it comes to your kids. If content is rated for certain ages then we will indicate that. Enjoy!


Pause, light a candle, & take 15 minutes for caring conversation and prayer.

Share: What were your high and low points today?
Read: Matthew 2:1-2. In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.”
Reflect: A star led the wise men to Jesus. What amazing parts of nature make you think of God?
Pray: Jesus, help us to see who you are, where you’re found, and why you’re here. May we honor you with our lives. Amen.
Bless: Trace a cross on each other’s shoulder, hand, or head and say “[Name], you are a beloved child of God.”

For more conversation starters, try Daring Deep Discussions.
For more Bible texts, go to Suggested Scripture Readings.

Going Deeper

  • Choose a Guiding Star. This Tiny-Try-It-Out faith practice invites each person to choose a “star word” to guide him or her throughout the coming year. It’s especially great for teenagers, but can also be easily adapted to use with younger children. Make your own stars, or pick one up at the Worship Resources shelf outside the Sanctuary.
  • Have a Sparkler Parade! Celebrate the Light of Christ in the world and our calling to be light in the world by lighting sparklers and taking a “glittery” walk around your yard or neighborhood one dark evening. You could sing “This Little Light of Mine” and then warm up with hot cocoa.
  • Make a Star Ornament. Use twigs and other supplies on hand to craft a star, like the one the wise men followed to find Jesus. Display your star during Epiphany as a reminder to be on the lookout for God in the world.
  • Stargaze. On a clear night, get outside—away from city lights if you can—to take in the beauty of the sky. What can looking at the stars remind us about God?
    Bonus: check out an app that helps identify stars and constellations.

Watch this 2-minute explanation of the season of Epiphany.

Enjoy “Syahamba” (Walking in the Light of God) performed by Uganda’s Palatine Children’s Chorus.

“We Three Kings” – Kirk Franklin’s version from the movie The Star. Watch the whole movie if you can!

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