Council and Pastor Discussion on 2019 Congregational Survey Results

The Council and pastors spent Saturday morning discussing the 2019 Congregational Survey results and focus group feedback. After reading a 16-page packet of related material and completing homework prior to the event, we spent four hours discussing these key questions:

  • What piqued your interest in the survey and focus group data? Why?
  • Related to the four priorities Pastor Rick introduced… What are we doing well? Where are gaps in ownership?
  • How do these results impact our vision and mission statements, and how can they help us state our values and set goals?
  • What goals should we prioritize for the next 3-5 years?

While we have some work to do consolidating notes and reaching consensus on priorities, I can name some clear areas we will be addressing:

  • Communication. This may include further discussions with under-represented groups (high school and young adults), using pictures and videos to share our stories, and better utilizing our existing methods and explore new ones.
  • Engagement. This may include supporting the people who aren’t as connected as they’d like to be, more intentionally welcoming and inviting people in our surrounding community, and empowering passionate members to use their skills.
  • Home. Helping others feel that they are loved here, that they belong, and that they are equipped and supported as they live their faith outside these walls.

There is a lot more to come, including specific action items and clear, measurable goals. Watch for these in coming weeks!

What do you think? You can share your feedback at Thanks!