Throughout the year, we collect items, sort them, and deliver to people in need.
Every fourth week of the month, you are invited to donate nonperishable food that is distributed to our neighbors who visit the Food Shelf located right here at SOTV.
Use your own bag, or for your convenience pick up a large orange “Food on the Fourth” shopping bag at the church, fill it with nonperishable food, and then return it to the SOTV collection bin located near the Welcome Desk at the main entrance. Inside the front pocket you will find a card requesting the most needed items. Use this as a suggestion, but feel free to provide your favorites. Thank you for supporting your neighbors and generously participating in the ways God provides for us all.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
January and August
We host the Red Cross twice a year for a blood drive. Individuals in good health that are 16 years and older are eligible to donate blood. Appointments are made directly at and use sponsor code: Johnny Cake Churches, or call the Red Cross at 800.733.2767. SOTV recruits volunteers to check-in donors and serve snacks in the canteen.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
All funds raised benefit neighborhood students.
Every year SOTV partners with schools and organizations to provide school supplies for students. This partnership has made a huge difference for children and families in our community.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
We collect gently used winter outerwear and new mittens/hats, and distribute approximately 1,800 items to area children and families in need.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
We provide gifts for families or provide financial support to share the Christmas spirit. Some of the ministries previously supported include: Tanzania Partnership, Wingspan Life Resources, Southside Family Nurturing Center, Dakota Woodlands, Armful of Love, and Lutheran Social Services Homeless Youth Ministry. We generally raise $20,000 – $30,000 each year in gifts and monetary donations.
For questions or to volunteer, contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351.
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Affiliated with the ELCA and Saint Paul Area Synod