SOTV’s Benevolence Leadership Team allocates money from the general fund to help those in need.

Many recipients are partners SOTV has developed relationships with over many years, with opportunities for us to see first-hand the impact our gifts have as we also volunteer and engage with their work. Besides money from the General Fund, people can also designate financial gifts or donate requested items to show their support.

Recipients of Benevolent Gifts

Some organizations that have received monetary and/or donated items in recent years include: 360 Communities, Camp WAPO, the Dakota County Emergency Shelter, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, Lutheran Campus Ministries in the Twin Cities, Lutheran Social Services in MN, Celebrating Children Preschool (at SOTV), the Saint Paul Area Synod of the ELCA, and our Tanzania partnership. Learn about these organizations.

Do you know an organization that could use our support?

Please complete the Benevolence Request Form and follow directions on where to email the form.

Benevolence: What does it mean to you?

Recent Drives, Monetary Donations, & Volunteers Helped Our Neighbors:

This 30 minute video tells the story of how Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and its numerous partners responded to the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent uprising.
SOTV contributed in a number of ways – donation drives that filled buses, monetary donations, and volunteers helping in person with the distribution of donated goods. Our church’s story is tied with Holy Trinity’s, and we are grateful for the work and guidance of the Holy Spirit in making that happen.

Can you help?

Learn about current collections and volunteer opportunities. Make a monetary donation.

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