By Paula Swiggum
The Synod Assembly convened on May 17-18, 2019 at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Mahtomedi. The assembly highlighted the theme Both/And: Embracing the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Twelve clergy and lay members of Shepherd of the Valley attended. During the assembly, one resolution was offered for adoption. The resolution, “Opposing Conversion Therapy,” was unanimously adopted.
Two excellent Bible Studies on the Great Commandment and the Great Commission were presented by Dr. Mary Hinkle Shore, Director and Dean of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne University. Another featured speaker was Andrew G. Steele, who serves as the Director for Global Mission Funding with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Three worship services occurred during the Synod Assembly. They included inspirational music from a collaboration of churches. Breakout discussion groups called on us all to think about the variety of neighbors whom we are called to love and serve in our outreach as congregations. The theme, God’s Work, Our Hands was emphasized. In addition, members were elected to Synod Council and other committees, including our former interim Pastor Peter Hanson of Christ the King in Bloomington, who was elected to a 3-year term on the Synod Council.
The annual Synod Assembly is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the variety of work and missions being done in the St. Paul Synod, to participate in the governance of the Synod through voting for key positions, and to have input into any proposed resolutions. See for more information. If you are interested in attending in future years, please contact Pastor Lindsey.